10 Reasons Not to Vote for Ted Cruz (As If We Needed More)

Spineless Ted needs to go.

Sure, bats and ghosts are creepy, but you know what’s really spooky? The thought of six more years with Ted Cruz as our senator.

Here are 10 reasons not to vote for Cruz, inspired by our former blogs and videos highlighting his terrifying record as senator.

1. Cruz opposes same-sex marriage and supports anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation.

2. We’re not saying Cruz is a racist, he just supports racists and racist policies.

3. Cruz wants to end abortion access and is a misogynist.

4. Cruz was never around as our senator.  


5. The man is weird and downright creepy.

6. Cruz is easily bought.

7. Cruz does not want Texans to have affordable health care.

8. He’s a liar and a coward.

9. Nobody likes the guy.

10. We’re still not convinced he’s even human.

It’s clear that Cruz’s personality and extreme policy positions do not align with an increasingly progressive Texas.

Ted has got to go.