It's working, they are listening

Yesterday, Progress Texas delivered over 22,000 signatures to board members of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles calling on them to reject the proposal by the Sons of Confederate Veterans to create a vanity license plate featuring the Confederate flag. Your message was clear - Texans do not support the racist and hurtful images of the Confederate flag on our license plates.

You stood-up and made your voice heard and it has made a difference. People are listening across the country and in just the last few weeks your actions have have helped push this issue into the spotlight:

September 29th - State Senator Rodney Ellis (D) and State Representative Sylvester Turner (D) wrote an op-ed published in the Houston Chronicle outlining their opposition to the Confederate plate proposal.  Read the op-ed here.

October 4th - Matt Glazer, executive director of Progress Texas, was a guest on MSNBC's Politics Nation to discuss the Confederate flag issue with Al Sharpton.  Watch the video here.

October 5th - State Representative Garnet Colman (D) was a guest on MSNBC's Politics Nation to discuss the Confederate flag and other race issues regarding Rick Perry.  Watch the video here.

October 6th - State Senator John Carona (R) wrote a letter to the Dallas Morning News calling on Rick Perry to reject the controversial proposal.  Read the letter here.

October 11th - US Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D) called on Rick Perry and the Texas DMV board to reject the proposed plate.  Read the Congresswoman's comments here.

Because of your opposition, Jerry Patterson, Texas Land Commissioner and sponsor of the Confederate flag proposal, was recently quoted in the San Antonio Express saying the proposal is "probably dead."

But we can't let up now. The TXDMV board could bring it up for a vote during their next meeting on November 10th. Help us keep the pressure on Rick Perry and the TXDMV board by sharing the petition and this important issue with your friends and family. 


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