Joe Biden makes historic choice in selecting Kamala Harris as his running mate

The Democratic presidential ticket is complete. Here’s more on the historic nature of the Biden/Harris ticket.

Joe Biden has announced that he’s chosen U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, to be his running mate. Early on, Biden committed to choosing a woman as his running mate, here’s what makes this ticket particularly historic. 

1. Kamala Harris is shattering all kinds of glass ceilings. 

Harris is the first Black person and the first Indian-American, and just the third woman in history to be selected as a Vice Presidential running mate for a major party ticket. And in November, if Democrats win, she’ll be the first woman and first person of color to serve as vice president in American history. 

2. There’s a good chance that Harris could be our next president. 

Whether Joe Biden serves one term or two, Harris becomes the front-runner to succeed him down the road. This sets Harris up to become the first woman president of the United States. 

3. Texas is still the biggest battleground state and this VP selection provides us with even more momentum.  

Now more than ever, we need women running for office at all levels of government. With this dynamic ticket, we have even more momentum to take back the White House, send John Cornyn into retirement, and flip the Texas House in November. Texans want representation and a government that looks more like them. Harris takes us one step closer to that goal. 

Texans are ready to vote for change in November. And with Harris joining Joe Biden at the top of the ticket, the choice is more clear than ever.