STATEMENT: Texas Coalition for State Parks

Investing in a legacy for our children

I’m Kathleen Thompson, speaking to you today professionally as the executive director of Progress Texas and personally as the mother of three Texans who love the great outdoors.

Progress Texas is proud to be a part of the Texas Coalition for State Parks and is encouraging millions to vote YES! to grow Texas parks! 

More parks are needed as our state parks are already overcrowded. Protecting land around our important rivers, lakes, and streams will prevent runoff and toxic chemicals flowing into Texas’ water supply. 

And as we’re here outside R-E-I, let me talk to you about the R-O-I, and investing in a legacy for our children and THEIR children. 

I grew up camping, playing, and watching the sunrise in Texas state parks from Big Bend to Dinosaur Valley to Enchanted Rock. 

Cub Scouts

From the time they were Cub Scouts, my own sons spent afternoons hiking into the woods at Cedar Hill State Park, just south of Dallas. We learned about oaks, junipers, cedars and plums, orienteering, and protected wildlife. 

My eldest just earned his Eagle Scout rank and we’re rooting for our youngest boy to do the same.

We ALL benefit from natural areas, state parks, clean water, and so does the local economy. 

Join Progress Texas staff, and my own family as we vote YES! to secure new parks for future generations of Texans to explore and enjoy. 



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