Texas Rep says 10 hrs is too long to get concealed gun license

State. Rep. Dan Flynn (R - Van) has filled House Bill 47 which would reduce the number of training hour required for a concealed handgun license (CHL) by more than half from 10 hours to just 4 hours. In Rep. Flynn's world, a CHL course covering 10 hours of critical life saving information (use of force, non violent dispute resolution, handgun use, and safe and proper storage of handguns and ammunition) is just far too much of a burden for Texans.

According to the Representative, removing 6 hours of important information and intruction can be done simply by taking less breaks.

To put the absurdity of this bill into prospective - a 4 hour CHL course would be 2 hours less than a driving safety course in Texas.

CHL instructor Travis Bond, a former police officer and owner of DFW Shooters Academy, told WFAA on Tuesday that more training, not less, is needed.

"There are just some folks who probably shouldn't be training other people,” said Travis Bond. “I've seen safety issues, I've seen people cutting classes short... there just needs to be a lot more supervision."

"It takes me four hours just to go through one segment, which is the lawful use of deadly force,” Bond said. “There's no way you can teach people what they need to know."

It took less than 24 hours for Bond's warning to ring true.

In Dan Flynn's district on Wednesday, a VAN ISD employee was shot in a district-sponsored handgun safety training accident.